Title I Information

2024-2025 Parent Compact

2024-2025 Parent Compact - Spanish

The School - Parent Compact is a written commitment describing how all members of our school community (parents, teachers, principals, and students) agree to share responsibility for improved student academic achievement and learning. The Gilbert Elementary School (GES) compact helps to bridge the learning connection between school and home by bringing together parents, students and school staff to build and develop a partnership that will help our students meet the challenging State academic standards.

2024-2025 Family Engagement Plan

2024-2025 Family Engagement Plan - Spanish

This is a plan that describes how Gilbert Elementary School will provide opportunities to improve parent engagement to support student learning. Gilbert Elementary School values the contributions and involvement of parents in order to establish an equal partnership for the common goal of improving student achievement.  This plan describes the different ways that Gilbert Elementary School will support parent engagement and how parents can help and participate in activities and events to promote learning at school and at home.